terça-feira, abril 27, 2004

- so please, don't let me carry on...
- nothing is the same, so why do you want to continue doing this?

satan looked down to him. i've never imagined him as he appeared to the boy, and why the hell was the satan speaking in such maners to just a little boy? oh, and with a scottish accent? i always thought satan would have a...uhmm...german-like accent? i don't really know why, but i always thought it to be so...strong? nevermind.

- widespread anguish and desperation. do you see it?
- yes, but its not like its my fault. it was never my fault. i couldn't do a bit to help, but i tried. i've done my part.
- role taking, role playing, role creating....i see all the phases coming...
- fuck off, big red one!

the little boy stood on his feet. of course he was no match for satan, he was almost half his size, and was not even a tenth as strong. it would be a taito/blizzard struggle, if you know what i mean. hmmm, i guess not, it would be a lot more gruesome and coward. dawn, satan is empowered with magic tricks and shit like that and the little boy has only a....whats that? a stick?

- so why don't you go and take the first step?
- why don't you give some time to think? its my soul thats i'm staking!
- oh, sorry, but i'm a little bit too busy.

satan was gentle and polite

- but i have too much to do. i'll leave you with your deeds, farewell young boy.

and he disapeared in a sulphurous cloud of smoke. yeah! just like nightcrawler!

- damnit! all i wanted was my fucking caloi !!!

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