domingo, setembro 22, 2002

Who coined the term, "gonzo journalism?

Gonzo journalism is a piece with personality -very subjective, noticeably different and not ashamed to call attention to itself. It may even give you the impression that the writer was definitely inhaling as he or she worked.

The _expression arose in the early 1970s in conjunction with the meteoric fame of journalist Hunter Thompson. His ‘Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas,’ was an important account of the drug scene back then, and he wrote a similar titled book about the 1972 presidential campaign (which would ultimately produce the Watergate scandal). Thompson gained a reputation as the wild man on the press bus that year.

But, contrary to what many people think, he used but did not coin the phrase “gonzo journalism.” It was his friend and colleague, Bill Cardoso who invented it in the course of describing Thompson’s writing. “Gonzo,” by the way, is Italian for “simpleton.”

Source:, and

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